The Institute for Drone Technology

The Institute for Drone Technology™ (RTO No.45181) are leaders in Drone Technology Integration, offering a suite of propriety Technology Solutions, supporting clients with expert Consulting, Training and Platform Management.

We help organisations act more strategically and implement effective, sustainable Drone integration practices, technologies and develop the related best practice management systems.

Our organisation possesses deep expertise in inter-related aspects of drone adoption, integration, management and the technology systems to support business in the Drone Economy.

We have expertise in researching an organisation’s drone needs and opportunities as well as advising on its strategy, procurement and quality processes. We provide technology solutions and systems that work, and that are sustainable and complaint.

All of our work is underpinned by the desire to add sustainable value through innovative, safety-first processes that minimise risk while maximising the potential of drone technology.

Our vision is to be global leaders and experts in drone technology and training to support rapid adoption across all industries.